Kaspersky released it's new version of Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 or version few days ago.
You can download the latest version of Kaspersky I.S. here.
What's new in Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 ( )
- Kaspersky Internet Security now requires considerably less input from the user, due to the use of lists of trusted applications (“white-lists”).
- New integrated system scanning before applications starts first time to prevent dangerous programs and penetrating the system.
- New Internet browser configuration to analyse the the security of browser side programs.
- System Restore wizard helps repair damage to your system arising from malware attacks.
- Monitors access to confidential data, user files and application folders.
- The new Privacy Cleaner wizard which erases from the user’s computer all information about his or her actions throughout the session.
- Upgraded updates of phising sites database.
- Integrated Wi-Fi connection scanner.
So most wise decision is activating the Kaspersky trial version and after it expired getting a working key from Kasperky lab which saves your time.
Global ranking for Anti Virus software as folows.
Rank 1 - Kaspersky Internet security
Rank 2 - Bitdefender
Rank 3 - Eset Nod 32
Rank 4 - AVG Security
Rank 5 - Macafee
Rank 6 - Norton